Requesting an Appearance Before Council

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Do you wish to speak with Council? Here are a few opportunities:

1. Regular Council Meetings
Open to the public, Council holds a Regular Council Meeting the second Monday of each Month at 5:30 p.m. at the Town Hall Council Chambers.

2. Public hearings
Most public hearings deal with land use planning and development, and are required by the Municipal Government Act. Public hearings enable residents who might be affected by a proposed development to provide direct input to Council’s decision. The process also allows the applicants who are proposing the development to address Council and clarify issues that may be raised during the public hearing.  They are advertised in the Community and on our website.

3. Public input sessions
Council sometimes holds special sessions to obtain public opinion on a specific issue. Public input sessions usually take place during regular Council meetings and are also advertised in the Community as well as on our website.

4. Public presentations
Public presentations may be arranged for special recognition of community members, organizations and events, or for award presentations.

 Delegation at a Regular Meeting of Council

In order to appear as a delegation at a regular Council meeting, you must submit a written request, via email, fax or regular mail, addressed to the Mayor and Council. Your letter must include:

  •  your preferred Council meeting date of appearance, as well as two alternate meeting dates
  • the subject matter you wish to present and a summary your concerns;
  • any relevant background information to support your comments; and
  • the name and contact information of the designated presenter(s).

Your letter must be received a minimum of three weeks prior to the Council meeting date you wish to attend. This gives staff sufficient time to review your request, advise the Mayor and Council and, if necessary, conduct background research into the issue. Town staff will notify you as to which date you are invited to address Council, to confirm your spot on the Council meeting agenda and the length of your presentation and to confirm whether or not any audio/visual support is required.

Please note that all delegations’ letters and any accompanying documents are included as a part of the regular Council agenda package, which is published on the Town’s website and available for public viewing at the Town office and at the Council meeting.

Delegations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Council usually hears up to a maximum of three delegations per meeting. Once the three-delegation-limit is met, additional requests are put forward to the next available Council meeting. Refer to the Council meeting schedule.

If you have an issue of importance but do not feel the need to speak in front of Council, you may address a letter to administration or to one of your elected officials. All letters are addressed in a timely manner.

Appearing Before Council
Public delegations are always the first item on the Council meeting agenda, following the public input session. The Mayor, or Deputy Mayor in their absence, will invite delegations to the Council table to speak. Presenters have a maximum of 15 minutes to share their concerns.

Following the presentation, Council may or may not ask questions of the delegation, as well as of administration, or provide comment with respect to the information presented. Upon closure of the discussion, Council may make a decision or refer the item to the appropriate Town department for further input or advice.

Council normally takes some time to review items before deciding what action to take on an issue. If you would like clarification on an issue discussed, a decision made or the status of the decision, please contact administration, which will be able to provide you with the appropriate information.

Contact Information
If you wish to appear before Council, please submit your letter and accompanying documents to:

Office Clerk for Mayor and Council
Town of Milk River
P.O. Box 270, 240 Main Street
Alberta, AB T0K 1M0
T: 403.647.3773
F: 403.647.3772