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The Town of Milk River Council was elected on October 18th, 2021 at the General Municipal Election, for a four year term. The council is the governing body of the municipal corporation and the custodian of its powers, both legislative and administrative. 

Mayor Larry Liebelt

Deputy Mayor  Anne Michaelis

Councillor David Degenstein

Councillor Shayne Johnson

Councillor Peggy Losey 

Council's Function

A Councillor's role is to work with other council members to set the overall direction of the municipality through their role as a policy maker. The policies that council sets are the guidelines for administration to follow as it does the job of running a municipality. A Councillor will spend time while on council creating new policies and programs or reviewing the current ones to make sure they are working as they should. Under the Municipal Government Act, Councillors have the following duties:

  • To consider the welfare and interests of the municipality as a whole and, to bring to council’s attention anything that would promote the welfare or interests of the municipality
  • To participate generally in developing and evaluating the policies and programs of the municipality
  • To participate in council meetings and council committee meetings and meetings of other bodies to which they are appointed by the council
  • To obtain information about the operation or administration of the municipality from the chief administrative officer
  • To keep in confidence matters discussed in private at a council committee meeting until discussed at a meeting held in public
  • To perform any other duty or function imposed on Councillors by this or any other enactment or by the council.

Council Strategic Plan 2018-2021

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