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Business Licenses

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All businesses operating within the Town of Milk River corporate limits are required to purchase a Milk River Business License annually, as required by municipal By-law. Those registered businesses with the Town of Milk River are billed each year for their licenses, and those coming to the community from outside of Milk River are required to purchase a license from the Town Office prior to commencing operations or sales.

How to apply for a Business License

Applying for a Business License is simple, just 3 easy steps!

Step 1: Download our Business License Form.

Business License Form 

Step 2: Fill out and return to the Town Office through email, fax, mail, or in person. 

Step 3: Pay your license fee. The Town of Milk River accepts all major credit cards, debit, cheque, and cash payments. The Town Office does not accept e-transfers.


License Fees: (Licenses valid January – December)

Businesses from outside the County of Warner:
$25 / day or $150 / year.

Businesses within the Town / County of Warner:
$50 / year.

After your application and payment for your license has been received, your business will be able to commence operation of sales. Any Business which produces proof of holding a current business license from either the County of Warner, Village of Warner, or Village of Coutts, shall be deemed to hold a current Town of Milk River business license.

 Please note: Failure to register your business with the Town Office may result in fines as listed in the Business License By-law 1015.

Please click HERE to see our directory of active businesses operating in Milk River. 

Note: The municipality will require pertinent information, including name, type of business, address and phone number. For further information regarding Town of Milk River Business Licenses please contact the Town Administration.